Monday 7 April 2008

damn those excuses!

I don’t have enough time. I don’t know how. I don’t know how to write well. I don’t know how to get a better job. I don’t have the money.All these sound familiar?

I bet you and I have certainly been a guilty party to using feeble excuses in everyday life. How often do you use an excuse?on a daily basis? 3hourly,weekly or every sunday? Don’t let excuses run your life. If you catch yourself using one of these lines, immediately replace it with a statement of the real truth. At first that truth may seem uncomfortable. It’s easier to say, “I don’t know how” than it is to say, “I’m unwilling to learn.” Whenever you hear yourself making this statement, you know deep down it isn’t the truth.... more

Talking Heads

CRAP or CLASS!...the eighties must surely be the era of originals.from body poppin'hiphop and breakdance to the smooth moonwalkin'slides of bellie jean...and how about the fashion sense..